Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Notes For Christmas Next Year...

Before I put this letter here, let me explain what I’ve done, so you don’t think I’m too crazy. Each year, after the holiday is over, I sit and write a letter to myself who is a year older, wiser, and *ahem* more forgetful. I outline what worked, and what didn’t, so I don’t repeat my mistakes. So, this is my letter to myself, from last year. Please keep in mind, I was very disillusioned and, well, pissy last year. I didn’t really give a crap. (It suddenly occurred to me that I didn’t have children, gasp!)

December 25, 2004

Hello from the other side of a rather lackluster Christmas season. This year I figured out that Christmas isn’t very fun when you don’t have kids (or guests!) I need to get over that for next year. These are my notes for myself for next year...

1. Try to remember the 12 days of Christmas for next year. It’s such a cool idea, and it would be easy to make out a song to accompany the gifts given. Just small, simple gifts, maybe even purchased throughout the year. So simple, but it shows a lot of thought. Very fun idea.

2. My favorite thing I did this year was when Jeremy and I got ready to open our gifts. I baked up a batch of cookies really quickly, and boiled up some water for our apple cider in a pouch. I thought it set the mood fairly well. Next time, we need some Christmas music playing quietly in the background. Very nice.

3. One thing that I did try, even though I lost interest halfway through due to my bad attitude this year, was premaking cookie dough to freeze and bake later. If I’d started on this earlier, it would have worked out quite nicely. Next year, I need to start doing this no later than December 1. With my freezer that Jeremy is going to get me in a few days, I shouldn’t have ANY concerns about space.

4. I think my ready-made meal for our parents was a winner. Karla especially seemed appreciative. Try again next year. Add the salad dressing and you’ll have a show stopper.

5. Try decorating the house one room at a time next year. I think a big part of my problem this year was that I was a little overwhelmed. Remember: baby steps!

6. Try to have a better attitude next year. I don’t want to screw up Christmas for anyone else next year, especially Jeremy.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Ah, Christmas...

I used to love Christmas. I loved the hype, the decorations, the food, the chill in the air. Now, as I'm getting older, I find myself less than enthused about Christmas. I don't have kids to share the magic with, so all the fuss seems futile.

But, what if I planned it slowly, over the year, room by room? Kind of like a dress rehearsal for when I DO have children? So, I made this blog, to plan and dream. And, scheme, just a little. There will be lots of recipes, photos, and tips here, both imagined by me, and seen elsewhere.

Yeah, this just might be fun.